<aside> 👉 This track will teach you to make freelancing a predictable, reliable full-time income for yourself—not by breaking your back over minimal wages, but by positioning yourself as a specialist in your field; a trusted expert whose advice clients seek out.

We teach from experience—we’ve all become full-time freelancers and creative entrepreneurs who learned how to avoid low-value clients, unpleasant work, and headaches with taxes!

If you’re ready to pursue your passion as a full-time job, and gain full control of your self-employment career, this track is for you. Scroll to see what’s included, and how to create your dream freelance career!


“*Never had I heard of a program this elaborate before. It's literally a college semester without the expensive books and ****the *sky-high tuition fees. I had a blast learning and growing my business.”

– Eric Burdon**

GigLoft is bridging the learning/doing gap. As such, you don’t simply study how to do these things. The process of learning is the process of doing, in the form of Workshops, Missions, and Side Quests. We also provide ready-to-duplicate Templates for everything you’ll need.

Of course, there is no “one size fits all” when learning. We use a self-guided learning approach, in which YOU are at the wheel 🚘 and we are your driving instructor—the Gandalf to your Frodo. 🧙‍♂️

In this track, you will learn to:

In the form of: